Conferences and Events

Follow the Compass to Success ultimately was what I decided to do for our 8th District theme this year. As a PTA member, leader, organizer, school representative or whichever and however you see yourself, your compass will not always point to true north. PTA's are constantly and consistently changing. The hat you wear one day can and will change from day to day and from event to event. Your PTA Compass will not have your typical directions of north, east, south, and west. Instead it may lead you to volunteer, teamwork, enrichment, dedication, community, positivity, education, selflessness, kindness, diversity, equity, inclusion, and so much more. Pick any word or thing that describes PTA and it will be on your compass. As a part of PTA you are keeping the compass moving and changing in ways only the future knows. By holding tight to your compass and following where it leads,  it will turn into "Your KIND of PTA"!

***To make this fun... We are tying in the compass to Pirates!!***

8th District Training 

August 5, 2023

4128 Feather River Drive 

Stockton CA 95219

Please RSVP in advance for an accurate head count. 

CA PTA State Conference 

May 3, 2024 to May 5, 2024

Ontario, California

National PTA Conference