
8th District 5k

This is an event that we are interested in doing. We would love your feedback! This event would be used to help with training funds or even be used to benefit our units by way of Grants or Scholarships.

If you would be interested in participating in a 5k or would love to see 8th District host an event like this, please go to the Contact Us page and let us know!

Farmers Market Sign-up

This would allow potential members to get help logging on and supporting their local PTA that other wise may not know how to join.

Would you be interested in 8th District going out to local farmers markets to help with your membership signup? Please go to the Contact Us page and let us know!

8th District Carnival

This is a opportunity to bring the entire district together and host a big event allowing us to give back to our units. This would be accessible to all our units in the 8th District and their members as an end of the year final YAY PTA and thank you for all that you have done this year!

If you would be interested in 8th District hosting an event like this, please go to the Contact Us page and let us know!